Saturday, January 16, 2010

Off and Running

I want to be an official movie reviewer not because I want that as a career or because I want the free films but because I want to be in the middle of the stream of information that flows to reviewers so I don't have to miss films like Off and Running.

I found Off and Running by accident browsing Apple's trailers.

This documentary is about an African American girl who was raised by Jewish lesbians in New York. She has decided to find her birth mother to figure out who she is.

Now I'm going to do all I can to get Off and Running to one of our upcoming film festivals, Sabes JCC Jewish Film Festival (because the family in the documentary is Jewish), Women With Vision at the Walker Art Center (because the film is about women and directed by a woman), and finally, my dark horse candidate (because Al Milgrom, the guy who chooses most of the films, is who he is), the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Film Festival (April 15-29).

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